Saturday, February 14, 2009

they're watching me!

That was one of my biggest fears as a child, that I would glance at my window and see a pair of eyes squinting through the blinds. Such an imagination! Luckily that never happened, and today I feel much more secure, even when online. I do use caution, making sure that I'm not giving out info if I don't know EXACTLY who I am giving it to.

In this day and age, I find it convenient to do lots of things online, such as pay bills, shop (a little), and connect with friends. That means I'm going to have to give up certain information. I just always make sure that everything is password protected and documented. For example, if I make a purchase with my credit card, I make sure I have a confirmation number for the purchase. I draw the line when I'm asked for a social security number, unless I am on some sort of government site and I am 100% comfortable and familiar with what I am doing.

As far as blogging and social networking, one must realize that once it's out there it's out there. So, for me, it's post about myself and others only what I would want to read about myself. Check motives, keep it simple, and BE NICE! That way I don't have to worry about who might be watching.....

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